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Community Approves Schulenburg ISD Bond Proposal

SCHULENBURG, TEXAS — Schulenburg ISD voters passed Propositions A & B of the proposed 2023 Bond with over 61 percent approving the $19.5 million package to address school and community needs and aging facilities, including a renovation and update of the David Husmann Memorial Stadium. 

The election brought more than 1,200 voters to the polls. 

“We are so thankful to have the support of our Schulenburg community,” Superintendent Dr. Julie Motomura said. “They recognized the value of the needs represented in this bond. These projects will go a long way in helping provide a better and safer environment for our students.”

The approved bond package for Proposition A provides funding to construct a new performing arts center with fine arts classrooms, a band hall, stage with audience seating, weight room, offices, and boys and girls dressing rooms. Proposition B provides funding for a new sports complex and perimeter security fencing.

The state of Texas doesn’t provide funding for facilities. By law, bond funds may not be used to fund daily operating expenses or salaries. Bond funds may only be used for projects approved by district voters.

“When a school district is faced with these issues, it’s left up to the local community to vote on the funds to help us make changes for the students and staff,” Motomura said. “We’ve worked hard to manage funds conservatively and will continue to be good stewards for the Schulenburg ISD community.”

The district will now get to work on the next steps and begin coordinating with architects to conduct a competitive bidding process for each project, as well as finalizing a construction schedule and working with district financial advisors to establish a bond program schedule.

“We’re grateful to our board members and all our voters for the support they provided to our students, staff, and district.” Motomura said.“This is such a wonderful community, and I’m so proud to serve here! The future is bright for the Shorthorns.”